jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010

Entrevista a Her Majesty And The Wolves

When Kimberly Wyatt released 'Candy' with Aggro Santos earlier this year, we had a feeling we hadn't seen the last of her electro-rap-pop ways. On that note, allow us to introduce Her Majesty And The Wolves, her new project with songwriter-cum-knob-twiddling boff Spencer Neezy. Having already teased the dancefloors with 'Glaciers' earlier this year, they're now gearing up for their first major release, 'Stars In Your Eyes', in 2011. Intrigued, we phoned the pair to find out more.

How would you describe your debut single, 'Stars In Your Eyes'?
Kim: "It's our first pop single to show everybody what we're about and the kind of music we make, so hopefully everybody will love it - it's very catchy and it's got a driving chorus that will send you dancing wherever you are. We think it's the perfect song to start out with!"

You previously released a futuristic viral video for the song 'Glaciers'. Are you keen to keep to that style?
Kim: "We worked with this director called Jess who's very strong and has a vision in her head which is, at points, completely crazy! We were willing though to just have fun and step into her world and live in it. I feel like this collaboration as a whole has some incredible visuals that will really get people talking - when art's interesting and it's talked about, it's a job well done."
Spencer: "Our next video is a much bigger production and it's essentially about how the world was created. It's completely different to 'Glaciers'."

How did your collaboration come about?
Kim: "It was at a time when I was working on solo material and a friend of mine introduced me to Spencer to see what would happen between us. We really vibed in the studio and I loved the kind of music he made. I left feeling like it was the best session I'd had in the entire year I'd been working. Two weeks later Spencer called me back to ask if I wanted to be part of his act and I was so excited! It just felt so right and exactly what I needed to do."

It's very different from your music with the Pussycat Dolls. Was that intentional?
Kim: "I can't say that it was intentional - I was just wanting to make music I was proud of. It was me finding my way in the industry and it led me here, and I was happy with that! He's been the biggest influence on me yet."
Spencer: "Aww, thanks! It was a very natural thing actually. I'd been working on my own project for three years as well as producing for other artists. I'd been working with Cathy Dennis and Ryan Tedder, and Her Majesty And The Wolves just came about organically from that. The universe just put us together for whatever reason!"

Who came up with the band name?
Kim: "After we decided to work together I was at his apartment all the time just finding inspiration and trying to come up with a name for us. We must have written down a million things before we came up with the final one. One day Spencer came up with Her Majesty And The Wolves and I just sat there stunned for a minute thinking how big the music could be and the visual opportunities that went with it."

How far along with the album are you?
Spencer: "We recorded a lot of music in July this year - about seven tracks actually - and since then another six. It's not coming out until next year, so we want to keep on creating. You never know where your next inspiration is going to come from. We're about 70% there I'd say."

Do the songs you've released so far reflect the album's sound?
Spencer: "What we've released so far is a segue into what the rest of the album will sound like. It's a very grandiose concept album."

What's the concept?
Kim: "A bigger than life, post-modern fairytale of pop music. It's theatrical and lends itself to amazing live shows, but it also has a DJ world element twisted into it. It's huge in my imagination!"

How would you describe your sound?
Spencer: "I think any sort of music you make that's intriguing and interesting and catches people's attention naturally falls into the category of pop. If that's what it falls into, that's cool. There's an undertone to our music that connects it all together, but we're not setting out to make a specific sound. I guess generally-speaking It's structured dance music that focuses on lyrics."

Would you consider collaborating with other artists?
Spencer: "We're definitely into that. We have a very similar music taste - Florence and the Machine would be great, as would Empire of the Sun..."
Kim: "They're amazing! I'd love to work with Ladyhawke and Sia too."

Kim, have you heard any of the other Dolls' solo material yet?
Kim: "I haven't really heard anyone else's solo projects yet - a lot of what's come out has only leaked onto the internet in demo form. What I've heard though is amazing. Melody has been working so hard - she has a powerhouse voice and I can't wait to see what she comes up with. Jessica's into her house music and I think she's planning to release at some point too. We're all very different, so it's great to see us branching out!"

You're filming a new series of Got To Dance at the moment. Are you pleased to see dance filtering through onto this year's X Factor?
Kim: "I think it's fantastic! Brian Friedman is a close friend of mine now, which is amazing because I remember when I used to do his dance instruction video as a kid! I know how talented he is and I'm so proud of him. His production makes the music comes to life - for me that's what it's all about, creating an experience."


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